The OS-tan is an Internet phenomenon or meme that originated within the Japanese Futaba Channel. The OS-tan are the moe anthropomorphism/personification of several operating systems by various amateur Japanese artists. The OS-tan are typically depicted as women, with the OS-tan representative of Microsoft Windows operating systems usually depicted as sisters of varying ages. Though initially appearing only in fan work, the OS-tans proved popular enough that Microsoft branches in Singapore and Taiwan used the OS-tan concept as the basis for ad campaigns for Internet Explorer and Microsoft Silverlight, respectively.
This page contains an archive of all the OS-Tan comics and artwork that I managed to collect from this website. I put most of the comics on I don't intend to infringe copyright by uploading these comics.
Please note that these comics contain some jokes that are a bit on a sexual side. No nudity is shown, but there are still some explicit jokes.
Check it out here. (The site has a html file that will return you to the main website)